Gross Anatomy of Animal Muscle – Identification of muscles of head, neck, shoulder, thorax, and abdominal regions of animals

Identification of muscles of head, neck, shoulder, thorax, and abdominal regions of animal (gross anatomy of muscle)

Hello and welcome again. Hope you are doing well and completed previous articles – identification of muscle of fore limb and muscle of hind limb of animal (animal muscle anatomy).

If you missed those articles, I recommend visiting those links. Today, I will identify the most important gross anatomy of the animal’s muscles from the head, neck, shoulder, thorax, and abdominal regions. Okay, let’s start to learn and identify the most important muscles of the animal’s head, neck, shoulder, thorax, and abdominal regions (gross muscle anatomy).

You need to know and identify all the muscles. Still, here I am going to identify only important muscles from different regions of animals with an animal muscle diagram (goat muscle anatomy).

Learning requirements

It would help if you had a better idea of the osteological features of different axial skeleton bones. If you have, then you may continue. Suppose you don’t have or want to memorize again.

In that case, I recommend you to visit those links – Identification of osteological features of skull bone of ox (skull of ox anatomy) and Animal Vertebrae Identification (Identification of vertebrae anatomy of animal).

“You should also memorize different terminology related to muscle or myology.”

Okay, now you may start to learn and identify the following gross anatomy of muscle from the head, neck, shoulder, thorax, and abdominal regions of animals (goat muscle anatomy) –

Muscles of the head region

You need to learn and identify all the muscles from the head region, so you must follow class lectures or books. Here, I am going to identify the most important muscles from the head region of an animal (gross anatomy of muscle) –

  • Orbicularis oculi muscle
  • Malaris muscle
  • Zygomaticus muscle
  • Masseter muscle
  • Buccinators muscle
  • Orbicularis oris
  • Frontalis muscle
  • Mentalis muscle
  • Levator nasolabialis muscle
  • Levator labii maxillaris
  • Caninus muscle
  • Depressor labii maxillaris
  • Levator labii mandibular muscle
  • Digastricus muscle
  • Temporalis muscle
  • Scutuloauricularis muscle
  • Zygomaticoauricularis muscle
  • Mylo hyoideus muscle
  • Omo hyoideus muscle

Orbicularis oculi are located at the border of the orbit. Malaris muscle is a thin sheet that covers buccinators and masseter muscle. Buccinators originated from the alveolar borders of the maxilla and mandible of an animal. The masseter is a flat and strongest muscle located at the external surface of the ramus of the animal’s mandible. Orbicularis oris is located around the mouth opening of the animal.

Zygomaticus muscle is located at the temporal process of zygomatic bone to the lip angle. Levator nasolabialis is located along the nasal and frontal bone. Levator labii maxillaris extends from facial tuberosity to the animal’s upper lip.

Depressor labii maxillary located along the ventral border of the buccinator muscle. The Digastricus muscle is located at the medial aspect of the mandible of an animal. Temporalis is located at the temporal fossa of the skull of an animal. Omohyoideus is located at the ventral part of the hyoid bone.

Muscles of the neck region of an animal

We will identify the following important muscles from the neck region of an animal (gross anatomy of muscle) –

  • Brachiocephalic muscle (cleido-occipitalis and cleido-mastoides muscles)
  • Omotransversarius muscle
  • Sternocephalicus muscle (sternomandibularis and sternomastoideus muscles)
  • Sternothyroidhyoideus muscle
  • Sternohyoideus muscle
  • Splenius muscle

Brachiocephalic has two parts – cleido-occipitalis (dorsal part; originated from occipital bone) and cleido-mastoid parts (ventral part and originated from temporal bone, wings of the atlas, and mandible).

Sternocephalicus also has two parts – sternomandibularis (dorsal part) and sternomastoideus muscles (ventral part).

Sternothyroideus is located at the ventral aspect of the trachea, and it is thin, tape-like in appearance.

Splenius is located at the dorsolateral aspect of the neck, and it is a flat type muscle.

Muscles of the shoulder and thorax region of the animal

We will identify the following important muscles from the shoulder and thorax region of an animal (gross anatomy of muscle) –

  • Trapezius muscle (thoracic and cervical parts)
  • Rhomboideus muscle
  • Serratus ventralis cervicis muscle
  • Serratus ventralis thoracic muscle
  • Longus coli muscle
  • Pectoralis muscle
  • Scalenus muscle
  • Latissimus dorsi muscle
  • Longissimus dorsi muscle
  • Longissimus costarum muscle’
  • Intercostal externi and intercostal interni muscles

The trapezius originated from the supraspinous process of the thoracic vertebra to the atlas. It is a thin triangular muscle that inserts into the scapular spine. Rhomboideus is covered by trapezius muscle. It is also triangular and has thin muscles. Longus coli is located along the ventral surface of the thoracic vertebra to an atlas.

The Pectoralis muscle has several parts; you need to identify the theme. Scalenus has two parts. Latissimus dorsi is located along the dorsolateral aspect of the thorax. It is wide muscle. Longissimus dorsi is the longest and strong muscle that extends from the sacrum bone to the cervical vertebra of the animal.

The Longissimus costarum is located along the dorsolateral aspect of ribs (below the longissimus dorsi muscle). Intercostal externi and interni are located in the intercostal spaces.

Muscles of the abdominal region of the animal

We will identify the following important muscle from the abdominal region of an animal (gross anatomy of muscle) –

  • Obliquus externus abdominis muscle
  • Obliquus internus abdominis muscle
  • Transversus abdominis muscle
  • Rectus abdominis muscle

“You should learn details (like – origin, insertion, fiber direction, blood and nerve supply) on abdominal muscles of animal.”

The fibers of the obliquus externus abdominis muscle are directed backward and downwards. The fibers of the obliquus internus abdominis muscle are directed forward and downward. The fibers of the transversus abdominis muscle are directed vertically. The fibers of the rectus abdominis muscle are directed horizontally along the floor of the abdomen of the animal.


I hope this article helped you identify the most important gross anatomy of animal muscle from the head, neck, shoulder, thorax, and abdominal regions (gross anatomy of muscle). Now, you should memorize all the muscles of the animal body (animal muscle anatomy) repeatedly. I will start a new organ system as soon as possible; if you want to get those articles, I recommend you to connect with me or follow my upcoming articles.

If you think that information’s not enough, I recommend you learn from class lectures or books. Again, as I told you in the previous article, if you want to learn the basic anatomy of the DIFFERENT SYSTEM OF ANIMAL BODY, you may visit this link and start to learn your desired organ system.

“If possible, I will update or enrich information, pictures and videos on this topic in future.”

If there is any mistake in the above information or if you have any suggestions for me, please, let me know in the comment box. Thank you so much.

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