Identification of Muscles of the Hind Limb of an Animal

Identification of muscles of the hind limb of an animal (animal muscle anatomy)

Welcome again. Hope you are fine. Today, I will identify the gross anatomy of animal muscle from the hind limb. Hope you have completed the previous article – identification of muscles of the fore limb of an animal (animal muscle anatomy).

If you missed that article, I recommend you visit this link. Okay, let’s start to learn and identify the muscles of the hind limb of an animal (animal muscle anatomy). This is the second article, and I hope we will complete full animal or goat muscle anatomy (anatomy of muscle building) sequentially.

In the previous article, I suggested you learn some terminology like the muscle’s origin, insertion of the muscle, extrinsic muscle, intrinsic muscle, extensor group of muscle, and flexor group of muscles.

As I am going to identify only the most important muscles of the hind limb of an animal (animal muscle anatomy), I am not providing in-depth or detailed information on those terms. You may visit the previous article for basic terminology.

Requirements of learning

It would help if you had a basic idea of the hind limb bones (like – the name of the bones and important features of the bone) of an animal body. If you have those basic ideas, then you may continue. If you don’t have or if you want to memorize, then I would recommend you to visit this link – Identification of Osteological Features of Hind Limb’s Bones of Animal (how to identify animal bones, anatomy of the body bones)

We should know the followings bone’s name with their important osteological features from the hind limb of animals –

  • A hip bone of an animal
  • Femur bone
  • Tibia and fibula
  • Tarsal bones
  • Metatarsal bones
  • Phalanges (first, second and third phalanges)

Okay, now you may start to learn and identify the muscles of the hind limb of an animal (animal muscle anatomy).

“You should memorize the osteological features of hind limb’s bone.”

List of the muscle of the hind limb of an animal

Here, we will learn and identify the following gross anatomy of muscles from the hind limb of animals –

Lateral aspect (hip and thigh region)

We will learn and identify the following gross anatomy of muscle from the dorsolateral aspect of the hip and thigh region of animal –

  • Tensor fascia lata muscle
  • Middle gluteus muscle
  • Deep gluteus muscle
  • Biceps femoris muscle
  • Gluteobiceps muscle
  • Semitendinosus muscle
  • Semimembranosus muscle

Quadriceps femoris muscle (we should also identify the four parts of this muscle – rectus femoris muscle, vistas lateralis muscle, vastus intermedius muscle, and vastus medialis muscle)

  • Gemellus muscle
  • Quadratus femoris muscle

Tensor fascia lata is located at the anterior aspect of the hip and thigh region and is a triangular muscle. It covers the anterior-lateral aspect of the thigh of an animal.

Middle gluteus muscle covers the extensive parts of the gluteal surface of the hip bone (in ilium bone); if you want to memorize the structure of that bone, visit this link. This muscle is fleshy in appearance.

Deep gluteus muscle is thin and quadrilateral in shape and directed caudoventrally. The middle gluteus muscle covers it.

The Biceps femoris muscle covers the lateral aspect of the hip and thigh region of the animal. It is a very extensive and flat muscle in appearance.

The Gluteobiceps muscle is located at the lateral aspect of the thigh region of the animal. It is the largest, extensive muscle having clinical importance.

The Semitendinosus muscle is located at the animal’s caudolateral aspect of the thigh region. It is a long tension-like muscle and also has clinical importance.

The semimembranosus muscle is located at the caudo – medial aspect of the thigh region. It is very wide and flat muscle.

Gemellus muscle is triangular.

The Quadriceps muscle is large and fleshy and encloses the femur bone at its anterior, lateral, and medial aspects.

Quadratus femoris is located at the posterior aspect of ischium bone and femur bone.

Medial aspect (hip and thigh region)

We will identify the following gross anatomy of muscle from the medial aspect of the thigh region of animals –

  • Sartorius muscle
  • Adductor muscle
  • Gracialis muscle

Gracia’s muscle is located behind the femur bone at the medial aspect and is a very extensive flat muscle.

Sartorius’s muscle is located anterior to gracias and posterior to the femur bone. It is a thin and flat muscle.

The Adductor muscle is located anterior to the semimembranosus muscle, and it is triangular-shaped in appearance.

“This article will help you to identify the muscle from hind limb only. You should learn more on their origin, insertion, blood supply and nerve supply.”

Extensor and flexor group muscles

From the extensor and flexor groups, we will learn and identify the following important muscle from the animal –

  • Tibialis cranialis muscle
  • Fibularis Tertius muscle
  • Fibularis longus muscle
  • Extensor digitorum lateralis muscle
  • Flexor digitorum profundus muscle
  • Gastrocnemius muscle
  • Soleus muscle
  • Popliteus muscle

The Tibialis cranialis muscle is located at the anterolateral aspect of the tibia bone (deepest extensor muscle).

Fibularis Tertius muscle is tendinosus and extends from the lateral aspect of the stifle to the medial aspect of tarsometatarsal bones.

The Fibularis longus muscle is located at the lateral aspect of the leg region of an animal (at the superficial position). It is long and triangular.

Extensor digitorum lateralis muscle is located at the postero-lateral aspect of the tibia bone and is also a long elongated muscle.

The gastrocnemius muscle is a large, fleshy cup-shaped muscle with two heads (lateral head and medial head).

The soleus muscle is located at the lateral border of the gastrocnemius muscle. It is very thin and has long muscles.


I hope this article helped you identify the muscles of the hind limb of an animal (animal muscle anatomy). If you want to learn and identify the full animal or goat muscle anatomy (anatomy of muscle building) sequentially, I would recommend you connect with me or follow the upcoming articles.

I hope I will help you learn the rest of the animal muscle anatomy (we have already completed – the muscle of the fore limb in the previous article and the muscle of the hind limb of animal in this article) with pictures and videos (muscle of head, neck, thorax, and abdomen).

If you think that information’s not enough, I recommend you learn from class lectures or books. Again, as I told you in the previous article, if you want to learn the basic anatomy of the DIFFERENT SYSTEM OF ANIMAL BODY, you may visit this link and start to learn your desired organ system.

“If possible, I will update or enrich information, pictures and videos on this topic in future.”

If there is any mistake in the above information or if you have any suggestions for me, please, let me know in the comment box. Thank you so much.

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