Types of Joints in Animal – Identification of Animal Joints with Bone Involvements

Identification of animal joints with bone involvements (types of joints in animals)

Welcome again. Hope you are doing well. In previous articles, we have completed the basics of bones of the animal body (anatomy of the body bones). Today, I will identify the animal joints with bone involvements (types of joints in animals). If you want to learn and identify the types of joints in the body, you may continue.

You know, joint (animal joints) is a structure that is formed by the union of two or more articular surfaces of bones (elbow joint) or cartilages (shoulder joint) with the help of specific binding materials (ligaments). They are responsible for different types of movement of the body.

List of joints in the body

Here, in this article, we will complete the following list of joints in the body –

  • Joints of fore limb of an animal
  • Joints of the hind limb of an animal
  • Joints of the skull of an animal
  • Joints of the vertebral column of the animal
  • Joints of the thorax of animal

Types of joints in animals

First, we should know the different joints in the animal’s body. They are classified into three –

  • Synovial joints (they are movable joints in animals’ bodies; hip joint, hock joint)
  • Cartilaginous joints (they have restricted movement; pelvic symphysis, mandibular symphysis)
  • Fibrous joints (they are immovable joints of the body; Joints of a skull)

“You should know details on the structure of a synovial joint, cartilaginous joint and fibrous joint.”

We should also know the different types of movement of the synovial joint – like angular (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction), gliding, circumduction, and rotation movements.

Okay, now let’s start learning and identifying the animal joints with bone involvements (types of joints in animals).

Joints of fore limb of an animal

We will complete the following joints of fore limb of animals with their bone involvements –

  • Shoulder joint
  • Elbow joint
  • Carpal joint or Keen joint
  • Metacarpophalangeal Joint or fetlock joint
  • Proximal interphalangeal joint or paster joint
  • Distal interphalangeal joint or coffin joint

The shoulder joint is formed by the glenoid cavity of the scapula and the head of the humerus.

The elbow joint of an animal consists of – the radioulnar Joint and the humero-radial Joint. The postero-lateral aspect of radius bone forms a radio-ulnar Joint with the anterior surface of the body of the ulna (forming two interosseous spaces –

proximal and distal interosseous spaces). Humero-radial Joint is formed by the condyle of the humerus with the proximal part of the radius and the olecranon process of the ulna.

Carpal joint or knee joint is consists of –

Radio-ulnar carpal joint (distal articular surface of radius ulna – the articular surface of the proximal row of carpal bones with the articular surface of the proximal row of carpal bones)

Intercarpal joints (between proximal and distal carpal bones)

Carpometacarpal joints (distal row of carpal bone with the facet for carpal bones in the metacarpal at the proximal portion)

Others joints of forelimb of an ox

Fetlock or metacarpophalangeal joint is formed by the distal articular surface of the metacarpal bone with the proximal articular surface of the first phalange along with the sesamoid bones (located at the posterior surface of the metacarpal; distal metacarpal; depression)

Pastern or proximal interphalangeal joint is formed by the distal articular surface of the first phalange with the proximal articular surface of the second phalange

The coffin joint or distal interphalangeal joint is formed by the distal articular surface of the second phalange with the proximal articular surface of the third phalange along with distal sesamoid bone (located at the posterior aspect of the junction of the second and third phalanges)

“You need to know the different types of ligaments that are involved in different joints of fore limb of an animal.”

Joints of hind limb

We will complete the following joints of a hind limb with their bone involvements –

  • Pelvic symphysis
  • The hip joint of an animal
  • Stifle joint of an animal
  • Hock joint of an animal
  • Metatarsophalangeal Joint or fetlock joint
  • Proximal interphalangeal joint or pastern joint
  • Distal interphalangeal joint or coffin joint

The pelvic symphysis consists of – pubic symphysis (cranially; the joint between the medial border of the pubic bone from both sides) and ischial symphysis (caudally; joint between the medial border of ischium bones from both sides).

The Hip Joint is very important for clinical practices; you should learn details on the hip joint of an animal. The hip joint is formed by the cotyloid cavity of the hip bone with the head of the femur bone. You should also identify the round ligament (extend from fovea capitis femoris to articular depression of acetabular cavity) and cotyloid ligament attached along the rim of a cotyloid cavity).

The stifle joint consists of – the femoro –patellar Joint and the femorotibial Joint. The articular surface of the femur forms the femoro-patellar joint with the articular surface of the patella. Femoro-tibial Joint is formed articular surface of the condyle of the femur with the proximal articular surface of the tibia bone. This joint is also important for clinical practices. So, you should learn the details. Hope I will discuss it later.

In the stifle joint of an animal, you will find the followings ligaments –

  • Capsular ligament
  • Lateral collateral ligament
  • Medial collateral ligament
  • Patellar straight ligaments

You will find three ligaments in the straight patellar ligament (medial, middle, and lateral). You need to identify those ligaments. Medial patellar ligament located at the medial aspect of anterior tuberosity to the distal portion of the femur bone. T

his ligament is very thin. The Middle patellar straight ligament is strongest and extends from the apex of the patella to the anterior tuberosity of the tibia. The lateral patellar straight ligament is extensive and extends from the lateral portion of the anterior patella to the lateral aspect of the anterior tuberosity of the tibia bone.

Hock joint consists of – the tibiotarsal Joint, inter-tarsal Joint, and tarsometatarsal joints. Tibiotarsal Joint is formed by the distal articular surface of the tibia bone with the proximal row of tarsal bones. The intertarsal joint is formed between the two rows of tarsal bones.

Others joints of hindlimb of an ox

Tarsometatarsal Joint is formed by the distal articular surface of the distal row tarsal bone with the articular facet of the tarsal bone at a proximal portion of the metatarsal bone.

Fetlock or metatarsophalangeal joint is formed by a distal articular surface of the metatarsal bone with the proximal articular surface of the first phalange along with the sesamoid bones (located at the posterior surface of the metatarsal; at distal portion)

Pastern or proximal interphalangeal joint is formed by the distal articular surface of the first phalange with the proximal articular surface of the second phalange.

The coffin joint or distal interphalangeal joint is formed by the distal articular surface of the second phalange with the proximal articular surface of the third phalange along with distal sesamoid bone (located at the posterior aspect of the junction of the second and third phalanges)

Joints of the skull of an animal

We will identify the following joints of the skull of an animal –

Temporo mandibular articulation (formed by condyle of the mandible with squamous part of temporal bone)

Mandibular symphysis joint (joints between two portions of mandible)

Different sutures of a skull (like interparietal; frontal-parietal; temporo parietal sutures)

Joints of the vertebral column

We will learn and identify the following joints of the vertebral column of animals –

Inter central joint (Joint formed between bodies of vertebrae; the caudal concave surface of a body of the preceding vertebra and the convex cranial surface of a body of receding vertebra)

Inter neural joint (joints formed by vertebral arches and process). We need to identify the followings structures –

  • Ligament Flava
  • Thoraco-lumbar part of the supraspinous ligament
  • Ligamentum nuchae (cervical part of the supraspinous ligament)

“In inter neural joint you will find different ligament. Among those ligaments ligamenta flava and supraspinous ligaments are important. You should have a clear idea on those ligaments.”

Joints of the thorax of animal

We will learn and identify the followings joints of the thorax of an animal –

Costo central joint (formed by the head of a rib and cavity formed by two costal facets of a cranial and caudal vertebra; the head is inserted in the cavity formed by the costal facet)

Costo-transverse joint (formed by the tubercle of rib and facet below transverse process; tuber articulate with a facet of the transverse process)

Costo-chondral Joint (Joint between a distal end of ribs with the rounded part of costal cartilage)

Chondro-sternal (Joint between the distal part of costal cartilage and sternum)

Sternal joints


I hope you have an idea and can identify the animal joints with bone involvements (types of joints in animals). We will learn details on different joint structures (types of joints in the body; anatomy of joints). By this time, if you want to learn the basic anatomy from the DIFFERENT SYSTEM OF ANIMAL BODY, please visit this link and start to learn.

“If possible, I will update or enrich the information on this topic in the future.”

If there is any mistake in the above information or if you have any suggestions for me, please, let me know in the comment box. Thank you so much.

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