Applied Veterinary Anatomy – What Should you Learn Under the Course of Applied Veterinary Anatomy

Hello and welcome again. Hope you are doing well. Today, I will discuss the basics that should learn under VETERINARY APPLIED ANATOMY. If you want to start learning veterinary applied anatomy, first, you need to know what you should learn under this course.

Here, we will apply our knowledge of VETERINARY GROSS ANATOMY in clinical or field practices. So we should know the basics of VETERINARY GROSS ANATOMY well.

Topics or contents that should learn under the course of applied veterinary anatomy:

We will learn this course by region wise of an animal body. The full animal body is divided into the following region –

Head region:

Pre-requites of learning:

You need good knowledge of the following topics –

Anatomical structure encountered:

List of bone involvement:  anatomical feature of skull bone – facial tuber or facial crest, infraorbital foramen, supraorbital foramen, the dorsomedial margin of the orbit

List of muscles: especially Levator nasolabialis muscles, malaris muscle, levator labii maxillaris muscles, depressor labii maxillaris muscle, zygomaticus muscle, orbicularis oris muscle, muscles of the eyeball, buccinators muscle, masseter muscle, sternomandibularis muscle, mylohyoideus muscle

List of nerves: especially zygomaticotemporal nerve, cornual nerve, optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, buccal nerve, palpebral nerve, mandibular nerve, mental nerve,

NERVE BLOCKING SITE (LANDMARK): cornual nerve, zygomaticotemporal nerve, palpebral nerve, a branch of the trigeminal nerve, mandibular nerve, and mental nerve.

List of artery and vein: especially superficial temporal artery, dorsal nasal artery, cornual artery, submaxillary artery, and vein,

Details of common surgical affection of head region:

The following surgical affection of head region should learn –

Trephining of frontal sinus

Trephining of the maxillary sinus

Dehorning and disbudding

Operation of gid disease

Extirpation of the eyeball

Operation of stenosis duct of animal

Neck region:

You need good knowledge of the following topics –

Anatomical structure encountered:

You should know about the course of the esophagus, trachea

List of bone involvement: especially cervical vertebra

List of muscles: especially brachiocephalic, omotransversarius, sternocephalicus, sternomastoideus, cleidomastoideus, deltoid muscles, trapezius muscle, longus colli muscles

List of nerves: especially cervical nerve (ventral branch), phrenic nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve,

List of vein and artery: especially jugular vein, carotid artery, vagosympathetic trunk, cephalic vein, vertebral artery

Details of common surgical affection of neck region:

The following surgical affection of head region should learn –





You need good knowledge of the following topics –

Anatomical structure encountered:

You should know the course of three nerves from the brachial plexus (radial, median and ulnar) that supply to a digit.

List of bone involvement: especially important anatomical feature of scapula, humerus, radius, and ulna, carpal, metacarpal, phalanx

List of muscles: especially trapezius muscle, deltoideus muscle, brachiocephalic muscle, pectoralis muscle, latissimus dorsi muscle, infraspinatus muscle, tensor fascia antebrachial, triceps muscle, muscle of extensor group, and muscle of flexor group of the forelimb

List of nerves: especially the nerves of the brachial plexus

NERVE BLOCKING SITE (LANDMARK): for radial (superficial and deep branch), median nerve, and ulnar nerve

List of vein and artery: especially axillary artery and vein, brachial vein and artery, radial artery, cephalic vein, collateral ulnar artery, median artery and vein, common interosseous vein, and artery,

You should know about the anatomical structure of the hoof of an animal.

Details of common surgical affection of forelimb:

The following surgical affection of head region should learn –

Amputation of forelimb



Any other accidental surgery related to the forelimb

Thoracic region:

You need good knowledge of the following topics –

Anatomical structure encountered:

You should know the location of the heart, lung, and details anatomy about the diaphragm, and also about the abdominal tunic

List of bone involvement: especially thoracic vertebra, ribs, and sternum

List of muscles: especially trapezius muscle, latissimus muscle, longissimus muscle, levator costrarum muscle, external and internal intercostal muscle, teres major muscle, scalenus ventral muscle,

List of nerves: especially long thoracic nerve, phrenic nerve, pectoral nerve, vagus nerve, vertebral nerve

List of vein and artery: especially axillary artery, cephalic vein, axillary vein, subclavian vein, and artery, pulmonary artery

Details of common surgical affection of thoracic region:

The following surgical affection of head region should learn –

Rib resection of animal

Diaphragmatic hernia

Paracentesis or thorax

Lobectomy of lung


Abdominal region:

You need good knowledge of the following topics –

Anatomical structure encountered:

You should know the anatomical location of a different part of the compound stomach of ruminant and simple stomach of other animals, liver, pancreas, small and large intestine, kidney, spleen

List of bone involvement: especially lumbar vertebra

List of muscles: especially cutaneous trunci muscle, obliquus externus abdominis muscle, obliquus internus abdominis muscle, transverse abdominis muscle, rectus abdominis muscle, longissimus lumborum muscle,

List of nerves: especially thirteenth thoracic nerve, serratus muscles,

NERVE BLOCKING SITE (LANDMARK): for the thirteenth thoracic nerve, other spinal nerves (T1, T2, T3)

List of vein and artery: especially caudal epigastric artery, abdominal aorta,  branches of celiac artery, dorsal cost abdominal artery, lumbar artery, internal iliac artery

Details of common surgical affection of abdominal region:

The following surgical affection of head region should learn –



Correction of left abomasal displacement

Cesarean section



Operation of hernia (umbilical)

Hind limb:

You need good knowledge of the following topics –

Anatomical structure encountered:

You should know the course and branch of the ischiatic nerve of animals and the anatomy of the Achilles tendon.

List of bone involvement: especially the anatomical features of different parts of hip bones, femur, tibia, fibula, tarsal, metatarsal, and phalanx

List of muscles: especially gluteus muscle, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus muscle, gastrocnemius muscle, extensor and flexor group of muscles of the hind limb, tensor fascia late, gamellus muscle, gracialis muscle

List of nerves: especially the branches of ischiatic nerve (tibia, fibula), cranial and caudal gluteal nerve

NERVE BLOCKING SITE (LANDMARK): for ischiatic nerve, tibia nerve, and fibular nerve

List of vein and artery: especially lateral and medial saphenous vein, cranial and caudal gluteal artery, cranial tibial artery

Details of common surgical affection of hind limb:

The following surgical affection of head region should learn –

Patellar desmotomy

Amputation of hind limb

Amputation of digit

Any accidental surgery of hind limb

You should know the details anatomy of the stifle joint of the animal.

Pelvic region:

You need good knowledge of the following topics –

Anatomical structure encountered:

You know the anatomical location of the uterus, urinary bladder, ovary, testis, vas deference, spermatic cord, penis, mammary gland, and urethra. You should have a clear knowledge of the anatomy of the prepubic tendon, inguinal canal.

List of bone involvement: especially lumbar vertebra, sacrum vertebra, coccygeal vertebra

List of muscles: especially

List of nerves: especially obturators nerve, pudendal nerve, sacral nerves

NERVE BLOCKING SITE (LANDMARK): in high epidural spaces and low epidural space

List of vein and artery: especially dorsal perineal artery, internal iliac artery, deep circumflex iliac artery, external pudendal artery, external iliac vein, deep femoral vein, pudendoepigastric vein, caudal rectal artery, cranial and caudal mammary artery, and vein

Details of common surgical affection of pelvic region:

The following surgical affection of head region should learn –





Operation of arteria ani

Operation of hernia (inguinal)

Correction of rectal and vaginal prolapse

Amputation of tail


I hope you have a better idea about the topics or contents you should learn under veterinary applied anatomy. As it is an applied subject, you will find interest in learning it.

If you want to learn the veterinary applied anatomy, you should go HERE HERE AND START TO LEARN VETERINARY APPLIED ANATOMY. Let’s enjoy your learning.

If there is any mistake in the above information or if you have any suggestions for me, please, let me know in the comment box. Thank you so much.

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