Veterinary Histology – What Should you Learn Under the Course of Veterinary Histology

Welcome again. Hope you are doing well and got an idea of WHAT you SHOULD LEARN UNDER THE COURSE OF VETERINARY GROSS ANATOMY. Today, I will discuss the basics that should learn under the VETERINARY HISTOLOGY course. If you want to start learning veterinary histology, first, you need to know what you should learn under this course.

In veterinary histology, we will study the finer details of the structure of different cells, tissue, and organs under the microscope.

Topics or Organs System that should know under this course:  

We should know the basics of histology and histological characteristic of the following organs systems –

Microscopic slide preparation and handling of the microscope: 

It is fundamental to histology learning. We should know about –

The preparation of a microscopic slide, different steps of tissue preparation like fixation, embedding, sectioning, staining,

You should know the staining properties in detail as it needs through the courses

You also need the basic knowledge of the microscope; like different parts of the microscope, objectives, type of microscope


We know the cell is the structural and functional unit of all living bodies. Under this system, you need to complete the followings –

Components of a cell

Histological structure of plasma membrane (fluid mosaic model)

Details of cell’s organelles (membranous and non-membranous organelles)

Details on the nucleus of the cell

Intercellular junction

Modification of cell surface

Cell division and cell cycle (mitosis and meiosis cell division)

Epithelium tissue:

There is four basic tissue in the animal body, epithelium tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue. They are a collection of similar types of cells and intercellular substances that perform a specific function. Under the epithelium tissue, you need to know the followings –

The function of epithelium tissue

Basal lamina and basement membrane

Different types of the epithelium (squamous, cuboidal, columnar, transitional)

Different types of the glandular epithelium (exocrine, endocrine, mixed, mucous, serous, tubular alveolar, merocrine, apocrine, holocrine glands)

Details on goblet cells

Connective tissue:

It connects and binds cells and organs and provides support to the body. The contents under this system are more. It would be best if you covered the followings –

Connective tissue proper (loose and dense connective tissue)

Special connective tissue (adipose tissue, elastic blood tissue)

Supporting connective tissue (cartilage and bone; under cartilage, you need to know the basic difference among hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage)

Epithelium tissue and connective tissue are very important. It would help if you learned this basic tissue properly.

Muscular tissue:

You should know the following –

Terminology related to muscles cells

Histology of three types of muscle (smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles)

Muscle contraction (especially skeletal muscle contraction)

Nervous tissue and system:

It is the specialized connective tissue for the reception of stimuli which are then analyzed and integrated to produce the appropriate and coordinated response. You should know the following under this tissue or system –

Histological structure of a nerve cell with their classification

Different types of neuroglia cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells, Schwann cells, satellite cells)

Formation of the myelin sheath

Nerve trunk

Details on synapse

Histological structure of the cerebellum, cerebrum, and spinal cord

Cardiovascular system:

It is composed of the heart and blood vessels. You need to know –

The general structure of blood vessels

The basic difference between a larger and small artery

Histological difference between vein and artery

Conduction system of the heart and systemic, pulmonary, and portal circulation

Details about the blood cells morphology

Organs of the digestive system:

The content of this system is also vast. Here, you need to know –

General structural feature of a tubular organ

Histology of esophagus, tongue, different part of stomach, different parts of the small and large intestine

You should know more about the histology of the liver, pancreas, and three major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual gland)

Organs of the respiratory system:

It would help if you covered the followings-

The general pattern of a tubular organ and identify the major difference in the organ of respiratory system

Histological structure of trachea, laryngeal cartilage, and lung

Details of blood air barrier

Organs of the urinary system:

This system contains paired kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder. You should know –

Histological structure of a kidney (renal corpuscle, proximal and distal convoluted tubules and their lining epithelium)

Histology of ureter, urethra, and urinary bladder

Organs of the male genital system:

It is a very important system and should cover

Histology of testis (seminiferous tubule, seminiferous epithelium. Leydig cell, Sertoli cell)

Histology of ductus deference, male urethra, penis

Histology of accessory genital glands of male

Organs of the female genital system:

It is also an important system, and you should cover –

Histology of ovary and follicles (primordial, primary, secondary, Graafian follicles, and corpus luteum)

Histological structure of oviduct

Histology of uterus (proliferative and secretory phage)

Histology of mammary gland (lactating and non-lactating)

Organs of the lymphatic system:

It includes lymphatic vessels and associated lymphoid tissue cells. Histology of the following organs should know –

Thymus (cortex, medulla, Hassall’s corpuscles)

Lymph nodes (cortex, medulla, medullary cord, medullary sinus, capsule)

Spleen (white and red pulp, splenic circulation)


Organs of special senses:

It includes the eye, ear, skin, etc. You should know more about the skin and layers of the retina. Need to know more on –

Epidermis and dermal layer of skin (including sebaceous and sweat glands)

Structure of  hair follicles

Layer of retina


I hope you have got a better idea about the topics or organs systems that should learn under veterinary histology. The histological study is based under a microscope; it is quite hard than gross veterinary anatomy. But it would help if you tried to make it easy. Hope, we will easily learn all the basic things.

If you want to learn the basics about veterinary histology, you should go HERE HERE AND START TO LEARN VETERINARY HISTOLOGY. Let’s enjoy your learning.

If there is any mistake in the above information or if you have any suggestions for me, please, let me know in the comment box. Thank you so much.

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